The latest Star Trek movie is Section 31, a Paramount+ original that expands on the massive sci-fi franchise. Debuting on television, the titular clandestine organization of the Federation is a group that has done some controversial things in the name of safeguarding their government. But now with a full feature film to their name, Section 31 has become a much bigger part of Star Trek. So let’s find out exactly what this organization does.
Star Trek: Section 31 Spinning Off From Star Trek: Discovery

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The resurgence of Star Trek in the modern day is all because of Star Trek: Discovery, the prequel that spawned spin-offs and a universe of its own. A major storyline of Discovery focused on the Mirror Universe introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series. A major character in later seasons of Discovery, and the lead of the new Section 31 movie, is originally from this alternate universe. Michelle Yeoh headlines the new movie as the Empress of the Terran Empire from the Mirror Universe, a brutal conquering counterpart to Star Trek’s United Federation of Planets.
Yeoh’s Phillipa Georgiou is a former empress trying to find peace and a new purpose after having a crisis of conscience that seemingly redeemed her. Initially a villain in season 1 of Discovery, through brilliant writing and a great performance by Yeoh, Georgiou became grey and eventually an anti-hero archetype who ends up joining Section 31.
The new Star Trek: Section 31 movie picks up after those events and stories of Georgiou from Discovery and continues them in a new Paramount+ original film.
What Is Section 31 and Why Are They Important?

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The first appearance of Section 31 in the Star Trek universe was in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, season 6, episode 18, titled Inquisition. The episode saw a mysterious and hostile agent orchestrate an elaborate interrogation test of a suspected mole that continuously crossed the line. The agent, later revealed to be from Section 31, sidestepped the ethical ramifications of his actions by deeming them necessary to protect their Federation. The reveal of a clandestine group, operating unbeknownst to the Federation, with no accountability, felt at odds with the utopian society that Star Trek showcases.
And this was almost the intention of Section 31’s creator, Ira Steven Behr. His reasoning behind the organization was to show the stark contrast to the perfect paradise that this future in Star Trek is usually depicted as. The point was to show how, even in this utopian society, discord and strife still brew beneath the surface.
But Section 31 was such an interesting idea that the group has been used in multiple iterations of Star Trek since Deep Space Nine, such as Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: Discovery, and even Star Trek: Lower Decks.
Criticisms Around A Secret Star Trek Organization

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Behr’s intention behind creating Section 31 was a counterbalance. But I would go a step further to say that one of the ways the Federation is interesting is because they should face obstacles not just on alien planets, but close to home, within their own people. Having an internal struggle within the Federation, based on disagreements about their ideals, goals, and philosophy, is definitely in the spirit of Star Trek. On top of all the pew-pew action and space battles, obviously.
But many others felt the opposite. They felt an autonomous and shady organization like Section 31 in Star Trek sullies creator Gene Roddenberry’s original vision of peace and prosperity in the future. They feel that the philosophy of Section 31 undermines the hopeful depiction of a perfect future that the creator wanted.
So it should be interesting how audiences receive an entire movie based on the organization. Even if the always-amazing Michelle Yeoh is headlining said movie.
Star Trek: Section 31 is now streaming on Paramount+.
Let me know your favorite Section 31 storyline so far. And connect with me on X at @theshahshahid for more Star Trek discussions.
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